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Welcome to BISIMPLIFIED.COM, your partner in protection! This completely interactive Business Interruption website provides all the essential business interruption information in a user-friendly, simplified format. Business professionals who subscribe, find it combines the latest technology with straightforward examples and explanations that inform, instruct, and END THE CONFUSION. Think of us as your B.I. Personal Assistant: Always available, for YOU!

With this site you get:

All the information required to design a Contingency Plan, including an outline and templates that determine an organization’s risks, their impact, and the appropriate response.

The only interactive, industry-specific Business Income Worksheets that accurately and quickly calculate business income and extra expense exposures with the added flexibility to apply different scenarios according to your risk tolerance.  YOU supply the numbers.  WE do the calculations.  SIMPLE!

Exclusive Contingent Business Income Worksheet that reliably determines contingent exposure.

The Insurance Policy: Simplified! is an analysis of the standard Commercial Property/Business Income policy that maximizes insurance protection by pointing out common gaps and traps that often result in little or no coverage.

Unique Commercial Property Risk Calculator that identifies the amount of retained risk.

Should a setback occur, a simplified, interactive Claim section with the necessary tools to calculate and submit your business interruption claim concisely and accurately, eliminating excess paperwork and ensuring timely payment.

Versatile Frequently Asked Questions with detailed explanations that demystify the business interruption process.

Convenient Glossary with clear, concise definitions of common commercial property/business income insurance terms.



"Excellent resource. We completed the worksheets in a matter of minutes. One pass through the website, and all our questions were answered."

"Excellent service. Quick and easy. I love how I can use it over and over."

"The worksheets are awesome! Thanks!"

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Knoxville, Tennessee 37932
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